Bursaries for Post Secondary Education

Karen Shaw Memorial Bursary;

Honoring a Legacy of Education and Support

The Karen Shaw-Watterton Bursary is more than just financial aid; it's a lasting tribute to a remarkable woman who dedicated her life to supporting children and youth in St. Thomas and Elgin County. Karen, a Supervisor at Family & Children's Services for a decade, tragically passed away in 2001. Deeply committed to education's transformative power, her family, in partnership with the Elgin Children's Foundation, established this bursary to carry forward her legacy.

Remembering Karen's Passion
Karen understood the profound impact education can have on a young person's life.  This bursary specifically supports young adults in care who are pursuing post-secondary education.  These young individuals have often overcome significant challenges and losses, demonstrating remarkable resiliance and determination.  Nominations for the bursary are offered yearly from caseworkers who witness these everyday victories firsthand.


Dawning Leadership Award

The Dawning Leadership Award honors the inspiring legacy of Dawn Flegel, a former Director of Service. This annual award recognizes a young woman currently in care who embodies leadership qualities. Nominees demonstrate initiative, inspire others, and show a strong commitment to their goals. They may be role models in their schools or communities, or demonstrate leadership potential through various activities.

Investing in the Future: The Elgin Children's Foundation Bursary Program

Education unlocks a world of possibilities. It empowers individuals to pursue fulfilling careers and builds self-esteem and confidence. Recognizing this transformative power, the Elgin Children's Foundation established the Educational Bursary Program. This program offers vital financial support to graduating high school students from Family and Children's Services who aspire to continue their education.

The bursaries help cover costs associated with post-secondary education or accredited trade apprenticeships. By alleviating this financial burden, the program opens doors to a brighter future, allowing deserving youth to chase their academic and professional dreams.

"This is helping pay a big chunk of my tuition and I don't know if I would be where I am if it weren't for your help. Because of you, I can go about and fulfill my dreams knowing I have people who believe and financially I will be alright" - Karen 

"Thank-you so much for the grant. It means a lot to me to not have to think about the cost of school. I'm studying Electrical Techniques at Fanshawe College. I am quite enjoying being back in school and learning new things." - Mehgan


How You Can Help

Our awards and bursaries are in the range of $1000 - $2500. To receive more information about donating towards this important recognition of, and educational assistance for youth in care, please contact us: